SW-3B CW QRP Radio

Its here!

After starting to learn CW, I really wanted a small, purpose-built radio to take with me on my travels and work CW if I happened to.

I looked around (here’s some at eHam) and none of the usual small radios were unavailable, like the mountain topper series.

Some of my considerations:

  1. Pocketable
  2. 5 watts
  3. Better than a truSDX
  4. Multiple bands
  5. Power-supply-friendly
  6. Relatively inexpensive (I’m looking at you KX2)

I used the truSDX as my benchmark due to its amazing price and features. Even though reviews say it’s not great at anything and some people seem to have random issues. Although I’m sure I’ll want to buy one in the future, anyway.

I ruled out the coveted and available QCX-minis because they’re single band and relatively high priced once you add in the enclosure, tcxo, acc, etc. (is it still that I’m calling $100 “high priced”).

I ruled out anything that was a Chinese clone/copy, regardless of their cheap cost.

The Mountain Topper series are unobtanium.

Here are some reviews of the SW-3B at eHam.

I ordered it on March 20 and paid extra for DHL/Fedex since the site scared me into thinking I’d never see if I ordered it via regular mail.

Well, the next day I got a notification from Venus that my order was “complete” whatever that means. Then a few days later a Fedex label was printed. I followed it on Fedex.com as it made its way from China to the US. It was very exciting! All in, I had the unit about 11 days after I placed the order.

Of course I immediately hooked it up and tried using it, despite not knowing CW much, if at all.

Since then, I’ve been immersed in CW and hunting POTA since that’s the easiest way to get on the air.

I’ve also hunted a few POTA using this rig and while it has its own quirks, its pretty amazing to be able to communicate for thousands of miles on something as small as an HT. I have big plans for it on POTA and some SOTA as well as general traveling with it since its tiny.



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